2. Vimeo Offers Greater Prestige

Take a second to ask yourself what comes to mind when someone says "YouTube video". Then consider what comes to mind when someone says "Vimeo video." If you have experience with both sites, then your perception of each brand will be radically different.

YouTube is basically a video dump. You can upload anything you want as long as it isn't sexually explicit, gory, excessively violent, etc. No one will stop you if you want to upload low-quality content that's pointless or spammy, whereas Vimeo is very strict about what it allows.

This is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this limits the kinds of channels you can run on Vimeo (for example, you won't find any gaming-related content beyond documentaries). However, most people perceive Vimeo videos as more professional than YouTube videos. In other words, if your output fits into one of Vimeo's video niches, then being on Vimeo means something. It's certainly more prestigious than being on YouTube.

This is why Vimeo is home to some of the best short films you can watch online. Whereas YouTube is biased towards channels that produce a lot of content, Vimeo is biased towards creators who put a lot of work into each video. Quality, not quantity.

And don't forget about Staff Picks. Vimeo loves to curate high-quality content, and being selected as a Staff Pick is a respected badge of honor---many careers were launched after being discovered by curators on Vimeo.

Article by Dan Price

