Firehosing: Don't shoot everything

I have usually been asked about videography tips to make good videos. But sometimes there are tips for things that you should not do when you make a video.

Firehosing: Don't shoot everything

The cool thing about digital cameras is that they allow you to capture as much footage as you want. The not-so-cool thing about digital cameras is that they allow you to capture as much footage as you want. This strength can also be a huge weakness because many times this leads to filmmakers not having to think very hard about what they're shooting, capturing everything, even if there's no reason or intention behind it.

Don't do this. Plan your shots ahead of time. Think long and hard about what you want to communicate to your audience through your images. Essentially, be intentional.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker